Drop an item without using the Inventory Item Pickup Prefab


Hello. I am using the First Person Controller in conjunction with the Ultimate Inventory System and I have a question. How can I drop an item without using the Inventory Item Pickup Prefab? And without using the character's controller drop system? I just need to drop the original prefab from the inventory, which is listed in the DropPrefab. This needs to be done through the drop system of the inventory itself, but it requires an Inventory Item Pickup Prefab, how can you get around this?
The Bridge component requires an Inventory Item Pickup because some items are dropped with ammo. In some cases you may want a custom prefab per weapon, so there is an option to use the DropPrefab from the Item prefab (defined on the Item component).

You can bypass this drop system by removing and dropping item using a custom UIS Item Action. For example you could simply use the normal Drop ItemAction instead of the CharacterDropItemAction