Double damage to AI bug


For some reason when i damage freshly built AI character it does double damage. I tried debugging this issue and it fixed it when i removed sub character and character layers from Impact Layers on the gun but this is wrong, because it should be on one of this layers at least or maybe i am missing something. My enemy character colliders for ragdoll on the Subcharacter layers and the character main colliders on the Character layer. Same thing happens with demo character. On spawn(play mode) main colliders are set to default layer also. But in editor this collider have Character layer
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When you say double damage what are you doing? What is the callstack of both calls if you place a breakpoint within Health.Damage?
When i shot the enemy character bullet does double of its damage. How to i debug it with the breakpoint? Just connect VS Studio to Unity and place a red dot in the method line ?
Yes. From there you'll be able to see the callstack and determine why it's being hit twice. Maybe you have two modules that are triggering the attack?