Demo Scene - Camera keeps moving upwards and rotating by itself


New member
Hi everyone,

Sorry if this is the wrong section. But I just bought the Third Person Controller from the Unity Store, I've installed it. But when I open up the Demo Scene the camera will forcefully look upwards and continue to rotate by itself. If I try to move the camera it will continue to forcefully go back up to the sky and rotate. I've got no idea why that is happening and I'm pretty sure that I have installed everything properly.

If it helps, my version of Unity is 2022.2.0f1.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
Do you have an external controller or non standard keyboard connected? This sounds like it's related to input that the Input Manager doesn't recognize. I recommend using the input system integration as it is better at handing input compared to the input manager.
Do you have an external controller or non standard keyboard connected? This sounds like it's related to input that the Input Manager doesn't recognize. I recommend using the input system integration as it is better at handing input compared to the input manager.
I've got a standard keyboard connected but I disconnected everything else and that seemed to have worked. Quite weird but hey at least it works now. Thank you very much! Very keen to start playing around with this ?