Damage not registered

Hi, I have a question,
so I created a headshot system using the opsive built in function where I put a sphere collider on the player's head, then put it in the hitbox of the character's health function, after that i make the capsule collider (the collider from opsive when setup a player) on another layer and not included it on the impact layer of my weapon so the shootable weapon will not detected the capusle collider, and the headshoot worked. but I got a bug where the first shot to the player would not register as damage..

ps: i made the capsule collider on another layer because i have another bug with the capsule collider, where the headshoot not registered when i shot the player from the back, but its ok from the front (i have debug the character health script, and it detect the sphere collider on the head when i shot from the front but not from the back).
If you place a breakpoint within Health.OnDamage does it get called? If it does get called, what is the damage amount of value?
i try to debug it again as your suggestion, and found out that in the initialization state where the player spawned for the first time, the damage was registered and in the debug the amount is 25 the same with the value i set on my weapon, but after the player death, and respawned then the bug come out, the damage not registered and the breakpoint on Health.OnDamage line 326 not triggered for the first shot, and it will triggred on the second and so on
What registration are you referring to? The modules will directly call Health.Damage and OnDamage is not called from an event that is received. If you can reproduce it within the demo scene of the latest version (an update just came out) then I will have a better idea of the cause.