Damage amount with active shield


New member
I want to make DamagePopupManager work, and basically it works. But when the shield is active and the value is greater than 0, then the damage amount is 0. Is there any way to get the actual amount of damage, so that it can be displayed in the popup, including damage to the shield?

Thank you
The Health component modifies the damage amount before the pop-up is triggered (it subtracts the amount absorbed by the shield). So there is no default way to get the unmodified damage amount.
You can write your own health class, inherit from Health, and override the OnDamage method.
The Health component modifies the damage amount before the pop-up is triggered (it subtracts the amount absorbed by the shield). So there is no default way to get the unmodified damage amount.
You can write your own health class, inherit from Health, and override the OnDamage method.
Yes, I thought about it, but there are so many private variables that I can't access when overriding