Creation of ShopMenu


I am trying to create a shop menu based on integration demo but I have always this following message:

Error on Inventory in game object Shop .png

It seems I missed some referenced objects but I cannot find what I have forgot.

I have copied the prefab Shop and the prefab ShopMenu in my project.

I have updated the attribute "ShopMenu" in Interactable Component:
Shop setup Interactable.png

And I adapted the following referenced objects:

Setup Duplication of ShopMenu.png

Like so:
  • Currency UI Monitor Variant: Currency Gold, Silver and Bronze of my project with my own database
  • Inventory List UI: no change as the db is correct
  • Category tab Control: no change as the db is correct
  • ScrollContent ItemBox Button: I have create a new CategoryItemBoxSet in my project called "ShopCategoryItemBoxSet"
  • Currency UI X 3 : use my own currencies

But I always miss something.

Do you have an idea of what I am missing here?
Well I am an idiot I didn't click on "Convert Inventory Objects"!

I think I was afraid to break my database.

Then it is working fine now.

I take the opportunity to ask what does it mean "Convert Inventory Objects", what happens when clicking on it behind the curtains?

By the way, I think I read that in a next release it will be possible in the Inventory setup to setup a Shop directly like what is done with the main menu, am I correct ? When do you think it will be available?
Glad you figured out how to fix it on your own!

The warning appears when the component (in this case the shop Inventory) is referencing objects from another database (in this case it was referencing objects from the demo database).

So pressing the "Convert Inventory Objects" will check your database to find objects that match the same names or IDs. The object could be item categories, item definitions, currecy, recipes ect... If there is no match it'll reference a null object instead.

If you go to the InventorySystemManager (Where you specified you database within your scene, usually on the "Game" gameobject), you'll find a button that looks for all the warnings in your scene and fixes them. Note this only works for components, not scriptable objects, for those you'll need to replace them manually. The easy way is to duplicate the ones that are problematic and converting the objects using the button before setting them back. There is also the option to right click a folder/asset and running the Ulimate Inventory System -> "Replace Database Objects".

Usually this issue arises when grabbing prefabs/scriptable objects from the demo, especially with the UI prefabs. We're looking into ways were we could dynamically get the matching object in your database at runtime such that these warnings don't break the game. But that'll be in the future.

As for creating the shop from the editor window, it is planned for version 1.1.
Version 1.1 will have a huge update in the UI and one of the main features will be a UI builder to create inventory, hotbars, shops, crafting, etc.. This way there won't need to get prefabs from the demo scene to get started. And you'll be able to create the full inventory UI suite in a few minutes by customizing the UI to your liking using a ton of options.

Version 1.1 does not have a release date. I'm hoping I'll be able to release it in a around 2 months, but I make not promises.