Creating item through code


New member
Heey everyone.

I'm coming with simple question, is there a posibility to create item through code and if yes is it implemented somewhere or should i do it on my own? I was looking for the answer on forum and support through documentation but i couldn't find it or missed it.
I'm having a lot of items to create but creating them and having them all on a character where i will change a model very often is not a great solution i think.
I'm having a little problem regarding it and looking for a help.
Thanks in advance.

There is no tool provided with UCC, and I know of no example where items have been generated. Though, in general it should be possible.
To make the items independent from the character, you can create runtime pickups. With the prefabs you can also use prefab variants if this of any help.

You might also want to look into the Ultimate Inventory System for better managing all the items.
You can build items at runtime through the ItemBuilder. Take a look at the UMA integration for an example even if you aren't using UMA. Runtime pickups are great if you want to build the item ahead of time through the editor.