Convert to runtime pickups?


Active member

I have already made weapons the standard way when adding to character...
Is there a way to make pickups for them that work with ultimate inventory and online ?

I saw the PUN videos. Perfect ?
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The Ultimate Inventory System does not have network support yet. We plan to work on that in the future but we have a lot of other things which have higher priority right now. If you plan to make an online game for your current project I wouldn't wait for us to implement networking features in UIS. Instead you may try to implement your own PUN integration for UIS, I believe some other users have tried, but I haven't heard if they were able to achieve it or not.

As for making pickups for the integration between UCC/UIS I believe you can first create a UCC pickup using this tab:
And then you can convert it from a UCC/UIS pickup using this tab:1615796006557.png

That's how you can easily create Item pickups for equippables (UCC Weapons).

You can also create pickups manually using the correct components. You can have a look at the Pickups in the integration demo. you can use the UCC pickup system or the UIS one, both are showcased in the demo.
Okay I have to look at it when I'm there.

I see. Well I have deleted my items on the character because I don't want him to start with anything. So I have made runtime weapons and the pick up object, so I just drag the pickup gameobject into the intergration slot and it will setup the object for UIS (adding a component on it?)
Can you turn me in the right direction when want to intergrate pun, ucc is already intergrated and the runtime pickups, so it can't be too much or?
For PUN with UIS, I do not know how hard/easy it will be since I haven't tried implementing it myself.
The idea will be to have all the items be created on the server and then the clients can add the items that were created on the server.
For the Clients you can register items with the same ID as they are registered on the Server.
When creating an Item there is a overload parameter you may use to set the ID purposely for that.

managing all this will require some custom code and a good understanding of UIS and UCC.
Oh okay. I have a guy who dont think network games are any hard to make, so maybe if he learns UIS and UCC I might have something... I dont understand when it comes to that advanced..