Confusion about NavMeshAgentMovement


New member
I have a player-controlled character that I want to make sure is constrained to a NavMesh.

The character is moved via keyboard inputs (WASD) which work fine when the NavMeshAgentMovement ability is disabled. However, as soon as this ability is enabled, the movement input is ignored and the character stays in one spot.

If I disable the the NavMeshAgentMovement ability, then WASD input works correctly, but the character ignores the navmesh entirely and moves into areas that it shouldn't.

What's the correct way to configure the UCC so that the player character respects the navigation mesh and cannot be moved off of it?
For this you will need to create a new ability. This would be similar to the Restrict Position ability, but instead of restricting based on a hard position you'd instead query the nav mesh and determine if the character can move to that location.