Conditional Evaluator and Conditional Abort not interacting as expected


New member
I'm trying to abort to a higher priority Conditional Evaluator, but it's not working -- it's acting as if no conditional abort is configured at all. See the following screenshot:
(It's currently wired to the subtree labeled "Works", but I've also tried detaching that connection and connecting it to one of the other subtrees, neither of which work as expected.)

It seems like it's only working with a sequence containing a Conditional subclass and not a Conditional Evaluator wrapping the same Conditional.

I also have "Reevaluate" checked for all Conditional Evaluators pictured, but it doesn't seem to help.

For simplicity, I'd prefer to be able to use the subtree furthest to the right, but that one's not working either.
Conditional Evalutator tasks are decorators so they are not reevaluated by conditional aborts. You should directly use the conditional task instead of Conditional Evaluators.