Compilation error with latest FinalIK integration


New member

Just downloaded and imported the latest FinalIK integration from your website and got the following 2 compilation errors:
Assets\Opsive\UltimateCharacterController\Integrations\Final IK\FinalIKBridge.cs(306,30): error CS0115: 'FinalIKBridge.SetAbilityIKTarget(Transform, CharacterIKBase.IKGoal, float)': no suitable method found to override

Assets\Opsive\UltimateCharacterController\Integrations\Final IK\FinalIKBridge.cs(22,18): error CS0534: 'FinalIKBridge' does not implement inherited abstract member 'CharacterIKBase.SetAbilityIKTarget(CharacterIKBase.IKGoal, Transform, Transform, float)'

From looking at the code, it looks like just updating the method signature in FinalIKBridge from
public override void SetAbilityIKTarget(Transform target, IKGoal ikGoal, float duration)
public override void SetAbilityIKTarget(IKGoal ikGoal, Transform target, Transform hintTarget, float duration)
resolves it for now.

hintTarget looks like something the UCCv3 introduces that FinalIK doesn't use.

Could this be patched, please?