Climbing Pack availability for UCC v3?


New member
When will the Climbing Pack be available for the UCC version 3? I don't have Paypal (various reasons, and I'm not getting it again), when will it be available on the Unity Asset Store?
I do not have an ETA on when the Climbing Pack will be released. I'd like to have all of the integrations and add-ons updated by the end of January though.
I do not have an ETA on when the Climbing Pack will be released. I'd like to have all of the integrations and add-ons updated by the end of January though.

Hey Justin, no pressure at all but just wondering if you have any sort of updated guestimate on this? We're hovering between whether to move to UFPS v3 or stick with v2 for our title in development. Blockers are the smooth camera movement above 60fps (we discussed on a separate thread) and the Swimming and Climbing packs.
I am hoping by the end of February I'll have all of the add-ons updated now. PUN is next, then swimming and climbing. The ability add-ons are a lot easier to update than PUN which has required a lot of API changes. I really want to move on from the v3 release :D