Change Particle Stream Pitch?


New member
I want to use the Particle Stream but be able to change its pitch (up and down). By default, it always points straight ahead, and can be rotated around the Y access with the mouse. However, guns (like the assault rifle) can be pointed up and down as well by the animator pitch parameter. I know this is already built into the system, but I have no idea what I should change so that the Particle Stream item allows for the pitch to to be changed.
The Animator Pitch parameter will update to the current camera pitch no matter what item is equipped. You can definitely change the animation using a blend tree based on this pitch parameter when the particle stream is equipped.

With that said, shootable weapons don't use animations and instead it's based on IK. There is a state on the CharacterIK component that prevents IK from rotating the upper body and if you remove that then the upper body will move.
The Animator Pitch parameter will update to the current camera pitch no matter what item is equipped. You can definitely change the animation using a blend tree based on this pitch parameter when the particle stream is equipped.

With that said, shootable weapons don't use animations and instead it's based on IK. There is a state on the CharacterIK component that prevents IK from rotating the upper body and if you remove that then the upper body will move.

Thank you. I created a new state that does not limit the Upper Arm Weight and Hand Weight so that they would point with the camera. That worked to get the animation the way I want.