Cannot setup Hang Ability state

Hi Justin

Why I get an error when I try to add preset. AdjustPullUpCastDistanceHangPreset in states?

Error: Unable to add preset. AdjustPullUpCastDistanceHangPreset (Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.AddOns.Agility.Hang) doesn't use the same object type (Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.UltimateCharacterLocomotion).
Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Editor.Inspectors.StateSystem.StateInspector:AddExistingPreset(Type, State[], ReorderableList, String) (at Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Editor/Inspectors/StateSystem/StateInspector.cs:388)
Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Editor.Inspectors.StateSystem.StateBehaviorInspector:AddExistingPreset() (at Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Editor/Inspectors/StateSystem/StateBehaviorInspector.cs:170)
UnityEditor.GenericMenu:CatchMenu(Object, String[], Int32)

and when I try to create a new one .. I can not find Pull Up Distance in Add Property ... dropdown menu?
It looks like you are trying to add the Hang state to the Ultimate Character Locomotion component rather than the Hang ability.

I made boxes to make player hang up and down .. but he just hang in the first box and did not hang to next box .. then I tried to do test that with the demo seen .. something strange happen.. you can see the video in discord


  • 2020-05-04_14-30-07.jpg
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You can adjust the the Min/Max Start Offset to allow it to detect the objects that are above or below the character.