Camera start shaking when character moves.


New member
We are using the Ultimate Third Person Shooter tool.
Now the camera is set to follow the centroid of character's bones. But our new motion will let the centroid move, so the camera will response to any movement of bones' centroid and start shaking. Is there anyway to solve this problem?
The camera will follow any movement on the transform you've set it to look at. So your best option might be to create a separate empty transform as a child of the player object itself, which will still move with the player's movement but not with the rig, and use that as the camera's target.
The camera will follow any movement on the transform you've set it to look at. So your best option might be to create a separate empty transform as a child of the player object itself, which will still move with the player's movement but not with the rig, and use that as the camera's target.
Thanks for the solution.
However, I tried it but it doesn’t work. I added a empty gameObject as the child of my character, but the character’s transform perform the same movement as the root bone does.
What "motion" are you using that's causing the character to move around so much like that? Also what ViewType are you using? You may want to create a separate transform that follows the character's movement but ignores this extra motion you're applying, and let the camera follow that transform instead.