Camera Shake in Third Person


Active member
The Camera shake (UpdateShakes method) has only been implemented in first person. I copied the code into ThirdPerson.cs and it seems to work fine.

Is there a reason camera shakes is only in First Person? Just guessing, but is its purpose only for visual aesthetics?

Because it affects aiming, it makes first person harder than third person. In a game where you can switch between the view types, ideally it is good practice to equalise the difficulty between them.

My post was really to find out the reasons why it was implemented this way. To be honest after playing with camera shakes on in 3rd person, It feels odd. So I don't think this is a feature that would be used.

I opened a game (Scum) that has 1st and 3rd person. That game only uses camera shakes when aiming, and then you can hold your breath to increase accuracy. I will need to do more investitation to work what to do in my game to keep 1st and 3rd person perspectives equal difficulty.
+1 I think if it's possible, would be nice to have!

Thinking maybe, to add more camera motion when the character is running or as @Zaddo said, when aiming :)