Camera Collison

If you need to extend your anchor offset further for some reason then yeah, you'll need to re-adjust so that it remains inside the collider.
This is my setup! I made an camera anchor offset , attached to player head because I want the camera to follow on crouch. The I changed camera anchor offset so it's positioned correctly as I want. And now collision is screws up,is there any debug feature? How can I move collider? i don't like to guess and play mode and so on, debug on enter playmode and fix.?
Unfortunately there's no debug gizmo to view the camera's collision radius as far as I know, however since it's a simple radius you could easily enough place a blank sphere object on the camera's transform and set its radius to be the same as the camera's Collision Radius value.

Apologies if you've already tried this but have you tried adjusting the camera's Look Offset instead of Anchor Offset?
Good idea! I solved it. I remembered Justin saying don't touch the offset use look offset. So I sat every thing else to 0. Change look offset to position, and then collision offset so it looks good in all directions, I'm happy with it now. Thanks ?