Bug with Animator Moniter


I created a new character, with a brand new project using a freshly imported Third Person Controller.

Unity version 2019.1.3f1. Upon building a character, I received a lot of errors. I pressed clear and never got them again. I tried creating a new character, and I did not get them a second time. Perhaps it's the first time it's used? Another problem:

I created a bow item following the video tutorial here:
Upon pressing play, I get the following errors. Note that all I've done is build an item and press play. No settings were modified and no profile was used.

Character looks like this in game when I try to move.
So you got everything working now? It's tough to say what caused that error without having the full stack trace.
I am still having issues. Creating items in my experience has been extremely daunting. I've tried so many different things, but I always run into errors. Sometimes even I get the message that I cannot create an item onto my character because it isn't created yet, and I can modify it like it is a character -- because it is, so -- there's just a lot of loose ground here and it's getting frustrating because I've invested so much time into trying to learn this asset. There's just always another error, straight from the box.

I've tried using different unity versions, and following the provided tutorials with precision, but I still get different results. Could we perhaps setup a meeting with discord or perhaps team viewer, so we can look at the things I am experiencing in more depth?
In my experience, it's a lot quicker to just duplicate the demo weapons' components from Nolan, add them to your character's weapons models and edit them from there.
I've been through the videos a few times and they are accurate so you should get the same results if you take it step by step and follow it exactly as the videos do. We do have a consulting service where I can look at your project in realtime but for this it shouldn't be necessary.

Just to get started, have you gotten the assault rifle working?

@Deckard_89's suggestion should also work, though you have to be careful with the object references and ensuring they point to the current character and not the previous character. There are a lot of options though so by copying you are bypassing the need to set each value.
I've been through the videos a few times and they are accurate so you should get the same results if you take it step by step and follow it exactly as the videos do. We do have a consulting service where I can look at your project in realtime but for this it shouldn't be necessary.

Just to get started, have you gotten the assault rifle working?

@Deckard_89's suggestion should also work, though you have to be careful with the object references and ensuring they point to the current character and not the previous character. There are a lot of options though so by copying you are bypassing the need to set each value.

Assault Rifle works, I just tested this. It is when creating a Bow item that I experience issues.
The bow is one of the trickiest items to setup because there are so many options. The bow does use the runtime pickup section though so it should be fairly easy to get working using the demo objects. As a first step have you tried getting the existing bow prefab added to your character?
The Item Manager will create the initial item, but it'll use the default values and with the bow there is a lot to configure so it's easy to miss a step. I recommend trying the runtime pickup version of the bow just to get something working.