[Bug] Unable to add first person perspective


New member
Using Unity 2019.3.7f1 and URP
After installing the latest UFPS files I get this error:

Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Editor/Inspectors/FirstPersonController/Camera/ViewTypes/FirstPersonInspectorDrawer.cs(53,86): error CS0117: 'ViewTypeBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'AddFirstPersonCamera'
Did you upgrade from a previous version? It doesn't look like you have the FIRST_PERSON_CONTROLLER macro, which is added automatically assuming there aren't any compiler errors. You can import into a fresh project and then bring over the macros to your current project (within the player settings).
Me too,
In a fresh Project:
Frstly I install Third person controller. Then I install First person controller. After that, Unity show that error.
Solving by manual add FIRST_PERSON_CONTROLLER into Scripting define symbols