Bug: Throw Grenade instead of shoot bow


Active member
1. UCC/UIS integration
2. 2020.3.4f1

In the Demo, grenades seem to work properly when unarmed or holding a rifle. But if you equip the bow and have a grenade in the grenade slot, you will throw grenades instead of shooting the bow (with the bow selected). I assume this has to do with the bow being left handed, and the bug probably persists outside of the demo.

1. Pickup bow.
2. Pickup grenades.
3. Equip both.
4. Have bow selected/equipped.
5. Try to shoot bow.
6. Throw grenade instead.
Good catch.
I'm not sure how I missed that.

I forgot to add a state preset to the Use Item Ability.
The preset is

If you check the Use Item Ability for slot 1 you'll see that I did have the bow preset set up correctly.

Essentially the states swaps the input to use slot 0 and slot 1 because the bow is equipped in the left hand (slot 1).

So now you should be able to fire the arrow with a left click and throw grenades with 'G'
While we're at it you may also want to add a state preset to disable the left hand grenade while the bow is equipped.

You can do so by adding a EnabledItemSetPreset for Bow in the lefthand grenade Item set rule that is empty.
You'll want to add a DisabledItemSetPreset in the Item Set Rule 1 (the one with the grenade) too
I followed your steps, but continued to have problems. A bit of time and discovered this was set to enabled (I changed it before taking the screenshot). It is now working. Thank you for your help.

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