[Bug] Rapid Item Switching


New member

I'm using the the UltimateInventorySystem integration with the UltimateCharacterController system and am having an issue with switching between items in the hotbar.
I've noticed that sometimes the hotbar selection gets out of sync and/or even stuck so you can no longer equip or unequip the current item.

The behavior I am trying to achieve is button 1 equips item in hotbar slot 1 and unequips it if it is equipped. Same for hotbar slot 2,3 and 4. Also, pressing 1 and then 2 and then 1 etc. would switch between the weapons. Pretty standard expected behavior.

What I have noticed is that if you rapidly switch (or equip/unequip by pressing the same hotbar button) the stuck bug happens. Please see the attached video where I am switching between weapons, but when I rapidly press button 2 for the pistol, it equips and unequips a few times and then gets stuck with the weapon drawn but the icon off.

Hopefully that explains the issue enough for you to replicate!

I moved the thread to UIS -> Integrations -> UCC

It seems the video you sent was not attached correctly. In the future you may use https://streamable.com/ , it's very useful when sharing videos.

As for the bug, it is a known issue. There is a delay with equip/unequip because of the equip/unequip animations which need to complete. So equipping a new item while one is waiting to be equipped while the unequip animation is played makes the character enter a broken state.

I am currently in the process of rewriting the integration between UCC/UIS from scratch such that I can avoid those types of issues completely. The integration will work a bit differently but it will be a lot easier to work with and a lot more stable.

I am taking my time with this refactor though since I want to get it right and not have to redo it again. Both UCC and UIS are extremely flexible and powerful systems and making sure that all use cases of both assets (and more) are supported in the integration is not trivial.

So I'm afraid I can only ask you to wait until the next major update where this issue will be fixed