[BUG]Cannot create Unity component preset unless all UCC state presets are deleted.


New member
As the title says, I am experiencing an issue where if any UCC state presets are included in a project, I get a null reference exception when trying to view the unity preset window for other components. If I delete all UCC state presets from the project (such as the presets folder inside the demo folder of the UCC directory), I regain the ability to open/view/create/select unity presets again. If, however I create a UCC state preset at all after that, the null reference comes back, until all UCC state presets are deleted again.

Tested in Unity 2021.2.9f1 and 2021.2.19f1
Tested UCC 2.4.6 and 2.4.7
Can you list the steps to reproduce from a fresh project? Also, what is the error?

I suspect that you are trying to save a preset in a new UCC project that is outside of the current project location.
Unless it's just my PC the steps are simple:

Make new project. Can create unity component presets fine.

Install UCC. Now I get the null reference exception trying to create unity presets.

Delete the demo presets folder so no UCC state presets exist.

Now I can create unity component presets again. Until I make a single UCC state preset.

I will copy the exact error here when I get home, I probably should have done that the first post :)
Unity Preset Error.jpg

So somehow the unity preset selector window is bugging out if any UCC state preset objects exist in my project. And i double checked, i am creating the presets in the right folder, although in a fresh project i don't have to create any, the ones in the demo folder are enough to sabotage it.
That error is coming from Unity and doesn't contain any character controller code. I would try updating to the latest Unity version and if it still doesn't work submit a bug to Unity.