Behaviour tree designer - DropItemFromInventory


can you please explain the m_ItemObjectSpawnerID. I thing the tooltip is wrong. How can i get the the spawnerID? is it not better to use the ItemPickup prefab as a GameObject instead?

[Tasks.Tooltip("The amount to check within the inventory.")]
public SharedInt m_ItemObjectSpawnerID;
[Tasks.Tooltip("The amount to check within the inventory.")]
public SharedInt m_Amount;
Sorry for the tooltip I wrote it quickly and clearly I missed writing the tooltip correctly.

The ItemObjectSpawner is a component you can add anywhere in your scene. That component has an ID, so you must make sure the ID in that field matches the ID of the component in the scene. I usuall add the ItemObjectSpawner on the Game gameobject.

That component can reference the ItemPickup prefab.

I could have referenced the prefab directly, but I thought this would be easier, perhaps I was wrong. If more people get confused I'll add another Task with a prefab instead