BD Tactical Shoot and Scoot - succeeds and stops running?


New member
Hi folks,

Having an odd issue with my AI. I have a very basic setup running, as shown below. I recently added the repeater to try and fix my issue (didn't work) but otherwise was just the task shown.


For some reason, at 2 minutes and 30 seconds into my game, enemies using this behavior just stop working and I'm not sure why. They will all just stop in their places. It used to be all at once, but when I switched to Async Load it's staggered. The state above is what my Behaviour Tree looks like when it's stopped working, S and S moves to succeeded - didn't realize it even had a succed state! I can't tell what's causing this change to happen within my scene. There are no errors thrown.

While it's running properly, i get this typical path completed debug output at the top of the screenshot. But once I hit roughyl 2 minutes and 30 seconds, I get the Pop and push outputs seen below.


I've tried the Restart when completed and Reset Values options with the Behavior Tree component, but nothing has worked. Was looking through profiler for something but nothing caught my eye. Anywhere else I should be looking? Any idea why this task decides to succeed at this point? How can I fix this?

Also I'm using A* integrated version if that makes much difference. Which works great!.... until this happens :)

Shoot and Scoot will return a success status when there are no more targets alive. You could place a breakpoint on line 312 of TacticalGroup.OnUpdate to verify that this is what is causing the task to return success.
This was exactly the problem, thanks! Hidden health script that I thought was long gone was causing agents to think there were zero targets. Thanks so much!