

New member
Hello. I've run into an issue with the AssistAim ability that I'd like some help with. Please see below for an example of the behavior I'm trying to curtail:
Moving to either side of the AssistAim target currently causes the CrosshairMonitor to "slide" in that direction and remain off-center for as long as the input is held. I would like the crosshair to remain centered with AssistAim's target, even during player movement.

I am using the Third Person Combat view out of the box, plus the integration for Unity's input system provided here on the website. I have made no alterations to the locomotion or camera.
This looks like it's a rotation speed issue. If you adjust the speed of the rotation within the camera controller then it should stick.
Camera rotation speed seems to be a large part of it, thanks. Maxing out the slider at 1 mitigates some of the crosshair movement, but does not fully eliminate it -- any other possible culprits?
It could also be related to some of the settings on the assist aim ability. I'll take a closer look at the code and let you know what I come up with.
Just giving you a heads up that I needed to add some code/callbacks in order to get this to work smoothly. It will be included in 3.0.18.