Altering ThirdPersonRPG MoveType


New member
Hello! I have been trying to piece together how this is all working, and so far coming up blank.

I have a first/third person character controller, with first person combat and third person rpg MoveType, and the same for ViewTypes.

I am trying to inverse the ThirdPersonRPG MovType/ViewType

By default, to get the unlocked camera (not the FreeLook), you have to hold 'Fire3'. By doing that, you can swivel the camera around the character and the character moves in the direction of the camera. The camera is locked and can only move a certain degree on the horizontal and vertical axis, so the camera is always behind the character. And when the player presses the back button, the characters moves backwards/plays a backwards animation. As you turn the camera, once you reach a certain point, the character begins to turn with the camera.

I am trying (and failing) to inverse this behaviour. So, without any input, the camera is 'unlocked' , and swivels around the character as the player moves the mouse (and continues to have the character walk backwards if the player is holding the back button). But, when they hold Fire3 , it will 'lock' the camera behind the character (and retain the backwards movement/animation).

I can't even get it to work to just unlock the camera period (let alone inverse the behaviour).

It all seems to tie to the m_Rotate variable on the MovementTypes\RPG.cs , but when I check for usages of that it is really only used in one spot (GetDeltaYawRotation) --- when I take the code that is gated behind that boolean and force it to always be running, it doesn't really change anything. I can't see any other place where this 'Fire3' is considered... or maybe I am blind!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your time,
This is really hard to say without digging into it more. With that said, I recommend that you take a look at the first person free look view type. With this setup the camera can move independently of the character and with some modifications would allow you to do it only on a button press.