Aim offset FPP


New member

Iam new to UFPS and iam i got aiming working tho when i aim the offset isnt the same as in blender. Which is fine cause i can probably change the Aiming offset of my FPS arms. But i dont know where. i allready looked in the linked aiming preset and tried to change number to insane quanityties but nothing happend.

Kind regards,

You can adjust the Position value on the First Person Perspective component.
The value doesn't change when you are aiming. In the demo scene there is a state which changes the position value when the aim ability is active.
The value doesn't change when you are aiming. In the demo scene there is a state which changes the position value when the aim ability is active.
I use the configurations and state preset on my gun from the demoscene, but what insane number i put in the 'AimFirstPersonPerspective' preset nothing really happends when i aim
Have you assigned that preset to the FirstPersonPerspectiveItem component, with the state name "Aim"? And does that name "Aim" match the item ability Aim's state name "Aim"?



(You can have "Append Item" enabled or disabled)
If you watch the Position Offset property on the FirstPersonPerspectiveItem during runtime, do the values change based on the state? Does the AimPistol state show as being active during runtime? (It should show "(Active)" in the inspector.) You're using "AimPistol" for the state name - is your weapon's name "Pistol" and the Use ability has "Append Item" enabled? Try just using "Aim" for the state name. Also double check that "Aim" is the state name defined on the Aim ability.
State presets can only modify (public) variables on the component they're associated with. So in your case, to modify the Position Spring values, you should add a state preset to your item's FirstPersonPerspectiveItem component, not the Aim ability.