AI Agent - Local Look Source - animation/ik issue


New member
I'm trying to set up basic movement for an AI-controlled character and noticed something weird with the way the walk animation (the only one I've tried so far) was being played - it seemed slightly robotic compared to the player-controlled version I had gotten working, even though it's the same model/animation controller/etc. At first I thought it had to do with the NavMeshAgent component and the NavMeshAgentMovement ability that the Opsive character manager adds for you, but the issue was there even after removing those. After more troubleshooting it appeared to have to do with the Local Look Source component.

Here's a side-by-side of the same character gameobject, but on the left the Local Look Source component is disabled, and on the right it is enabled. I just have a script calling UltimateCharacterLocomotion.Move(0, 1f, 0) on it continually.


It's subtle, but hopefully it shows - notice how on the right it seems like the character is sliding along too smoothly, the head and shoulders aren't moving up and this some IK that is happening? I read on the forum that the Local Look Source is for Item Action aiming and such, but how is it supposed to be used if it impacts the animations like this?

Thanks in advance.
I only tried using Move() as a troubleshooting step. I just tried again using the Nav Mesh Agent Movement ability and just calling NavMeshAgentMovement.SetDestination() on it - same issue.
This does look related to IK. I would try adjusting the weights on the component or completely disabling it.