Accessing Look In Move Direction from code


New member
Hey, I've been setting up the character in a third person top down type and I'm having issues changing the Look In Move Direction bool from the TopDown viewtype on the Ultimate Character Controller.

Basically when aiming I want this false and when not aiming I want it true. I cannot find the ability to set this variable so asking here.

Edit: Of course after having looked into this quite a while I finally figured it out right after posting. I was just still unfamiliar with the whole ViewType and MovementType structures so I was actually trying to access the View portion rather than the Movement portion of top down. Anyway once I did figure out it was the movementtype script (same name different folder) the other thing was that the MovementType structure didn't include the getter/setter for the Look In Move Direction, so I couldnt even call it then. So I added that to the MovementType class and now I can call it in the Aim ability class off the charLoco reference that was already there. So now I can toggle it.


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