Recent content by Yzack

  1. Y

    Set Field Value reflection

    Hi Justin, I would like to use a SetFieldValue reflection for setting a public Vector3 variable of a Monobehavior script. Sadly the Set Field Value doesn't seem to see any Vector3. As you can see in the screenshot, the vector3s dont'appears in the dropdown list Is it normal ? any idea about...
  2. Y

    Doing 2 tasks in parallel : How to ?

    You'd rather mean that the blue sequence returns succes/failure immediatly (RotateToward return success only when rotation is done) But yes, adding a repeater on top of blue sequence does the job ! Many Thanks Justin.
  3. Y

    Doing 2 tasks in parallel : How to ?

    Hi, I can't figure how to do a simple thing : - I want an agent shooting at player repeatedly, while continuously facing towards the player. In this screenshot, attacking is replaced by playing a sound. I want the blue sequence (attack) and red sequence (rotate) playing in parallel (at every...
  4. Y

    Good job but, performance killer.

    Sorry, even i close the thread, one last question : When can i expect the next improve version ? Not a date but : in few weeks, middle year, end of year ? Thanks for your answer, it will be easier for me to make a decision on BTD integration. Best regards,
  5. Y

    Good job but, performance killer.

    Understood ! keep up the good work !
  6. Y

    Good job but, performance killer.

    Yes, disabling the characterIK component and also the IK passes on the animator help getting things faster : from about 8ms to about 3ms. On my point of view, there is a little bit too much overhead in the deterministic manager. Maybe it's necessary for the TPC objectives and modularity, but...
  7. Y

    Good job but, performance killer.

    Hi, I've downloaded the character controller integration package for Behavior Tree. Although i'm impressed with the quality of these two assets, good job!, i'm disapointed. I think i will not be able to use the Third Person controller (for AI NPCs) in my VR game. My need : 5 NPC in view...