Recent content by YnS

  1. Y

    Custom composite task always return failure when recover from a conditional abort

    I have a custom composite task named ExecuteInOrder which controls the execution order of my behavior tree. It uses a combat controller which generates the orders. Outside the composite task I have a custom conditional task to interrupt ExecuteInOrder and perform some other game logic. But...
  2. Y

    Renaming Class causes breakage

    You can safely rename the tree based on the method from this forum:
  3. Y

    Any news on Version 2 of Behavior Designer?

    Any progress/news on version 2 of Behavior Designer?
  4. Y

    Task broken after I change the class name or namespace Follow the steps in the forum will fix your issues
  5. Y

    Lock status lost when enter maximized mode

    Could you reproduce the same problem?
  6. Y

    Lock status lost when enter maximized mode

    2021.3.6f1, I just reproduced it in a brand new project, and here is a recording of it.
  7. Y

    Lock status lost when enter maximized mode

    Yes, I am using 1.7.7p1. By the way, I enabled Enter Play Mode Settings, which might be the cause of the problem?
  8. Y

    Lock status lost when enter maximized mode

    When I locked to the current selected BD gameObject and chose another gameObject then went into game view (with maximized on play selected), at the time I exited play mode, the BD designer lost the lock status with the previous DB gameObject.
  9. Y

    How to hide task's variables?

    Is there a way to hide variables based on other's values? For example, based on a boolean value, the editor will show others variables
  10. Y

    [Request] Duplicate the whole branch

    As a similar circumstance as mentions, when we are trying to examine a specific branch that has multiple levels, it is inconvenient to expand every node. Can you add the "Expand All" & "Collapse All" buttons when...
  11. Y

    [Request] Duplicate the whole branch

    Thank you so much!
  12. Y

    [Request] Duplicate the whole branch

    When having a big tree, if we tried to duplicate a universal task(ex. an animation control task that has multiple selectors, so a lot of branches), we had to expand every branch in that node and selected them using the cursor. This is inconvenient and easy to miss some nodes. Would you consider...
  13. Y

    [Request] Grouping Variables

    For a big BD tree, we have more than 30 different variables, and we spent a lot of time finding and locating the variables we needed for a specific task. We really wanted to add a foldout group or a custom header to separate the variables.
  14. Y

    BT Editor will not auto-display the current node while entering play mode

    Problem located: Because I enabled the Enter Play Mode Settings, so when I locked the BT editor, it didn't react normally. When I disabled the enter play mode options or enable the "Reload Domain" button, the BT editor acted normally. So if there is a way to avoid this problem?
  15. Y

    BT Editor will not auto-display the current node while entering play mode

    1. Yes, I just updated the newest version. Now the situation is: When I choose the BT object, it displayed normally. But when I locked the BT editor, it did not show the running task again, even though I chose the BT object in the hierarchy. 2. I removed the assembly definition and the problem...