Recent content by Willyx

  1. W

    2D A* Pathfinding Pro + Behavior Designer Formations

    Yes, a big warning would have saved me some trouble too. Now, unfortunately, I'm starting to need the plugin; I hope good old Justin gets to work :)
  2. W

    Wander problems

    Just close the inner quad as in picture. Wait and sooner or later wander will choose a point outside the cage and locks the bot. Not i've added a (!HasPending() && !ReachedEndOfPath() && !HasArrived()) ) to unlock, but is better to not choose a point that cannot reach. Good work :)
  3. W

    Wander problems

    I'll check and re-reply tonight, but (probably ) any scene with wander have this problem, just leave it run for 5 minutes ( i remember that they get stucks in the demo). The problem is that u use HasPath. It checks if there is a "try" to make a path, not if is possible. A* have a static function...
  4. W

    Wander problems

    Hi again! :) There is another problem with wander, if wander choose a position that cannot reach, it stucks here forever. I know that u tested !HasPath() in OnUpdate, but maybe this flag is broken (a*? ). I'm using A* pro 4.3.84
  5. W

    FindGameObjectsWithTag with no Clear

    Hi, i'm using FindGameObjectsWithTag and calling multiple times adds GameObjects multiple times to the list. Probably you should add storeValue.Value.Clear(); in line 17 like this: public override TaskStatus OnUpdate() { storeValue.Value.Clear(); var...
  6. W

    Wander problems

    Hi, i've just read the reply to Christ and checked the updated version of A* integrations. I missed that the fix had been released. However...It works(y) How do i know when a new release of A* integrations is out? There is no version and even the filename is the same:(
  7. W

    Wander problems

    Hi, i'm using lastest A* pro 4.3.79. There are 2 main problems in wander (2D flag on): In line 37 u should check also ReachedEndOfPath , something like if (!HasPath() || HasArrived() || ReachedEndOfPath()) { Maybe is a new flag of A* beta, but with that check agents will not be stuck forever...
  8. W

    2D A* Pathfinding Pro + Behavior Designer Formations

    I'll come back 1/1/2024, it's a promise! ?
  9. W

    2D A* Pathfinding Pro + Behavior Designer Formations

    Just bought BD Formations to use with A* and a 2D project :( Any ETA to add the 2D support?