Recent content by Willwlh

  1. W

    Why does Ricochet sometimes fail to see and sometimes only see when it hits an enemy?

    I use the latest version of Third Person Controller,I just created a new project and downloaded the plugin, but the result is the same. Previous versions in other projects have found no errors. But in the latest version, Ricochet disappears when quickly used
  2. W

    Why does Ricochet sometimes fail to see and sometimes only see when it hits an enemy?

    Ricochet actually generates when it's invisible.What settings control its visibility.
  3. W

    Where can I change the default sound of Projectile destruction

    I can't find it.
  4. W

    Character Layer Mask don't work.

    The question may not be clearly stated,But I've worked it out. I used this method to reset: Respawn the enemy then destroy it.
  5. W

    Character Layer Mask don't work.

    Thank you,I solved this problem. And another problem is how to reset the enemy's ability when I put it back in the object pool after the enemy dies, because it will be dead when instantiated from the object pool.
  6. W

    Character Layer Mask don't work.

    I changed the Enemy layers of enemy AI to nothing, but enemies can still attack each other.
  7. W

    When I use Input.GetKeyDown in the Ability's Update method,sometimes it doesn't work.

    I'm sure updating in the Update loop,not in FixedUpdate. It's OK now ,I used the MonoBehavior's Update loop instead of Ability's update loop.
  8. W

    When I use Input.GetKeyDown in the Ability's Update method,sometimes it doesn't work.

    I only used the X button 35 times, and it didn't trigger 14 times in the Ability Update. This will cause my abilities to not trigger in time.How to solve it.