Recent content by willij

  1. W

    Find All Uses Of A Task

    I want to make a change to a task script however, I don't want all uses of that task to break across all my trees. How can I find everywhere I use this task so that I can update them.
  2. W

    SharedString Not Accepting Enum

    Ok, I have done it. I wanted to use SharedStrings because these are animation names so I can put them directly into the built in animator actions. I needed to make new animation actions that accept SharedStringList with an index and I have to be careful about putting in the correct index number...
  3. W

    SharedString Not Accepting Enum

    I edited it so that it's a simplified version of what I've got. I put a repeater in there to run the tree 5 times but please run play mode a few times because the results change every time. I've seen that: Sometimes it runs fine. Sometimes just a few strings are off. Sometimes they're all just...
  4. W

    SharedString Not Accepting Enum

    Changing it to a Dynamic SharedString each with it's own unique name seemed to work for one gameobject though I still have another object that uses the same system (with a few modifications) that's having problems. I'll have to comb through to see if there's any SharedStrings with the same name...
  5. W

    SharedString Not Accepting Enum

    After replacing that line with a string it has the same problem so it's not that it's a string. I realized the only time it was being replaced with an actual string was when it was in the first sequence. It seems like every sequence after the first doesn't work. So basically I have selector...
  6. W

    SharedString Not Accepting Enum

    I'm trying to put an enum name into a SharedString variable that is then passed to a behavior tree reference as a variable but it's not working. In the same script, the SharedString could also be set to a regular string variable - when that happens, everything works fine but as soon as I try to...
  7. W

    On Abort

    I haven't had reason to use the OnEnd method yet. So it gets called in the current task when it gets aborted? That's good to know. However, the subtree in question has a lot of tasks so I would have to put the "give the key back" code in the OnEnd method in all of them since any one of them...
  8. W

    On Abort

    Yeah sorry, I should have done a better job of explaining. The fact that this happens in an external tree is irrelevant. I just meant a subtree. I want to know if there is a way to tell when a specific subtree is aborted. I could put the "unclaim" script in every possible tree that can abort...
  9. W

    On Abort

    I have an external tree that claims something. When it is done with that thing, it will unclaim it within the tree. However, if the tree is aborted, it will not be unclaimed and no other agent can use it. Is there anyway I can tell when a external tree is being interrupted and run some behavior...
  10. W

    Variable Doesn't Exist

    I can set the variable just fine on objects that use the external tree as the base tree. But with this object, if I get a list of all the variables on it and print it out, it only shows the variables on the base tree, not the external tree even if it's showing up on the list.
  11. W

    Variable Doesn't Exist

    What do you mean by consumed? The variable I want shows up in the variable list in the behavior designer script that's attached to the game object at least. I'm calling it long after the behavior is created.
  12. W

    Variable Doesn't Exist

    I have a base tree that references another tree using my slightly modified behavior tree reference task. I'm trying to set a variable that shows up in the referenced behavior tree but it gives a "[Variable] doesn't exist" error. How can I use behaviorTree.SetVariableValue("[Variable Name]"...
  13. W

    Panning and Zooming Slow

    No, it's been slow for a long time now I just got annoyed enough to ask if there was something I could do. It becomes normal if I wait a while with the tree open. My big trees have several references to other trees if that matters. It doesn't happen in my other projects, just in this one with a...
  14. W

    Panning and Zooming Slow

    Panning and zooming in my Behavior Designer tab is slow which makes it hard to edit Behavior Trees. How do I make it faster?
  15. W

    Getting Error After Updating

    But the object is right there - I can see it. It has the correct tag. And if I force the selector to be aborted, Within Distance becomes true because it's reevaluated when the selector runs again. I have a similar abort somewhere else that works fine. I placed the break point and I can see all...