Recent content by tenuki

  1. T

    [Can See Object] Does the target need to have a NaveMeshAgent component ?

    check your heights? I had the height set wonky in my scene when I first started and got that behavior.
  2. T

    AI gets stuck during wander task and does not recover since it never reaches its goal.

    Just took an hour to switch over to A* - omg, way better. Now I have different problems, my enemy AI is too good. lol.
  3. T

    AI gets stuck during wander task and does not recover since it never reaches its goal.

    I just have to say, love your product, love the great support.
  4. T

    AI gets stuck during wander task and does not recover since it never reaches its goal.

    Unity 2020.3.x, unity navmesh. It's not a invalid destination, it gets 'stuck' on other AI, or in crannies and just remains there grinding away with no progress to the destination. I can edit the navmesh to prevent some of the crannies problem, but other AI or players that are standing...
  5. T

    Functions and intergrations

    Correct. If your game is networked it's way more complicated than that. Since you listed Pun 2 I am assuming you are writing a networked game? I am using Mirror (which isn't 'integrated' with BD btw and is server authoritative unlike Pun2 ) and what I'm doing right now is: the Behavior...
  6. T

    AI gets stuck during wander task and does not recover since it never reaches its goal.

    Is there a 'wander + avoid + unstick if colliding' task or do I have to code it? To be honest last playtest it was kinda hilarious to watch the players hack the mechanic and get all the patrolling security stuck, but...