Recent content by rechnight

  1. R

    Different Reload Animations For The Same Weapon

    This is the code I'm using. My mistake, I initially thought I had to add the script to the weapon or player. Now all is working fine, the issue with the animation not playing, was due to my Wait For Reload for set as 0, changed to 0.1, now both animations are working fine. namespace...
  2. R

    Different Reload Animations For The Same Weapon

    The audio clips are working, but the animation is not. Substateindex always register as 0, so always the reloadleft is playing, even though audiostate is playing 1. How should I setup the animator?
  3. R

    Different Reload Animations For The Same Weapon

    Hi, Have an empty and manual reload animations that I would like to use, but can't seem to be able to set it up. I noticed a previous post...
  4. R

    Playing Audio Clips Together in Sequence

    Yeah, that's what I ended up doing, just got to match with animation speed. Thanks
  5. R

    Playing Audio Clips Together in Sequence

    My weapon reload consists of several audio clips, depending on the reload type. How can I add the audio clips, so they can play together in a sequence? Right now the inspector only allows the audio clips to be played one by one. Is there a way to achieve this? Thanks
  6. R

    Puppet Master Dry Fire Hit

    Got the impact and damage with Puppet Master working in a dumb way, as my coding knowledge is close to null: added health component to the ragdoll body parts, setup the events for each of them depending on the effects I want (eg. impact on head runs event on the character main layer activating...
  7. R

    Puppet Master Dry Fire Hit

    Yeah, I'm messing around with the settings, think I got it. Disabled the script, set the impact layer to Ragdoll, added health script to the body part I want to impact, and create events to. Will see if all works well down this road. Thanks!
  8. R

    Puppet Master Dry Fire Hit

    I think the issue might be with the RaycastShooter script provided with the Puppet Master asset. Below is the whole code: using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using RootMotion.Dynamics; namespace RootMotion.Demos { public class RaycastShooter : MonoBehaviour { public...
  9. R

    Puppet Master Dry Fire Hit

    Added the breakpoint as instructed, but it's sending hitscan when I set the ammo to zero as well.
  10. R

    Puppet Master Dry Fire Hit

    In the weapon, I added the Raycast Shooter script that comes in the Puppet Master to apply the damage and impact on the ragdolls. But when it is out of ammo, the ragdoll reacts to dry firing.
  11. R

    Puppet Master Dry Fire Hit

    Got the puppet master working with UCC, using the Raycast Shooter script, and all working fine until I run out of ammo because the ragdoll still reacts to the clicks. Anyway to solve this issue?
  12. R

    Camera Quick Turn

    Hello, hope you all are having good times during the holidays! I have a question, I'm using the 3rd Person Combat view and really would like to implement a quick turn (press a button, player turns 180 degrees). I'd like to know how I can make the camera follow the 180 motion along with the...
  13. R

    Surface Impact Sounds Playing on Air

    Seems that I already found out the issue... It was the surface manager, since I had no other object surfaces, it was falling back to the generic on everything, removing the fallback solved this issue. But thanks for the link, it's always good to learn something new!
  14. R

    Surface Impact Sounds Playing on Air

    Tried looking for the SpawnManager.SpawnEffect, but couldn't find. Could you tell me which folder would this script be? Thanks