Recent content by Patrickkkk

  1. P

    Camera rotation

    I see, thanks!
  2. P

    Camera rotation

    Is there a way to set the camera rotation just like there is a way to set the characters position and rotation using SetPosition and SetPositionAndRotation?
  3. P

    Issues in editor but not in build

    That worked. Thank you!
  4. P

    Issues in editor but not in build

    Just tested it in the demo scene and everything works fine in the demo but to reproduce just make a new project in 2019.3.11, setup the layers, buttons, camera and then make a first person combat character without animator and only with standard abilities ( make sure to turn off wait for...
  5. P

    Issues in editor but not in build

    When you are using the update location 'update' the first person character gets stuck when walking against a wall and jumps way too high in the editor, If you build the scene without changing any values the character behaves normal. If you use the 'fixed' update location the character behaves...