Recent content by Oxlamon

  1. Oxlamon

    Custom movement platform and jitter.

    After some investigations. In the character's UCL: Motor.UpdateLocation = FixedUpdate; <- important (!) Platform mover. public class MovingInterior: MonoBehaviour, IKinematicObject { public Rigidbody readFrom; public KinematicObjectManager.UpdateLocation UpdateLocation { get...
  2. Oxlamon

    Custom movement platform and jitter.

    Hi. I need help. I wrote custom movement platform: And custom ability: MoveWithShip Everything in script is simple i think. So next: 0. Character motor and MovingInterior updated in KinematicObjectManager.UpdateLocation.FixedUpdate 1. Add MoveWithShip ability to character. Activate it...
  3. Oxlamon

    Drop item.

    after some investigation... i add one line to procedure (inventory.cs) protected override Item RemoveItemTypeInternal(ItemType itemType, int slotID){ ... [+] m_ItemTypeItemMap[slotID].Remove( itemType ); return item; } and everything work as expected.
  4. Oxlamon

    Drop item.

    Hi. I want to use procedural weapons like borderlands. i knew that is not possible because of ItemType must be created in editor time. But.. 1) I created a weapon A and weapon B (all have same ItemType: OneHandWeapon), but different models (and pickup prefabs), scripts and etc. 2) Then i picked...