Recent content by OOTO_Tone

  1. OOTO_Tone

    Can't stand up after crouching

    Hi Andrew, there is already an animator monitor component attached to my player character. Just not too sure how to use it check that the animations change.
  2. OOTO_Tone

    Can't stand up after crouching

    I've been having an issue with the crouch ability while trying to build my own animator controller. The character is able to crouch but unable to toggle it to stand unless I am aiming. The animator tree stays in the idle loop. My transitions and conditions are the same as the third person demo...
  3. OOTO_Tone

    Item Scale Massive

    Solved. If you run into this problem make sure your rig is exported correctly from Blender. [The part about exporting armatures should help.]
  4. OOTO_Tone

    Item Scale Massive

    Hi noob here, Any weapon either my own creation or from the demo pack becomes massive once I click build item from the item manager. Scaling and pasting the transform value work okay but the size of the weapon would be a little off. However scaling the item transform doesn't work when trying to...