Recent content by MBun

  1. M

    Receive/Send Events or Conditional Abort or Sequence - Can't figure it out

    Hi, Sorry if this sounds newbie. I'm just very frustrated with this simple task not working at all, and would like to know what I am doing wrong. I'm sending an Event from a gameobject (BT og Group 1) to a BT of Group 0. The event is sent according to the BT above but never received by Group...
  2. M

    Movement - ArrivalDistance has no effet on the agent

    Hi, I tested almost all the Movement tasks requiring an ArrivalDistance and it has no effet on the distance the agent is from the target. An example on a simple Follow task - Considering the agent has a radius of 1, I set an enormous value of 5 to test. But still, the agent is getting onto the...
  3. M

    [Fixed] Serialization issue (100% in build - on and off in Editor)

    I could pin point the double shared variable thanks to you. I had one called playerDetected in the BT and another one in a script with the same name. Many thanks!
  4. M

    Tactical Task Attack not firing

    Ok, after some analysis of what is called and what's not, I ended up with modifying the CanAttack() condition : public bool CanAttack() { var target = (SharedGameObject)bt.GetVariable("Player"); // bt being the BehaviourTree component attached to my character float dist =...
  5. M

    Tactical Task Attack not firing

    Hi, I've have replicated the demo scene (Shootable script which instantiate bullets on Attack + Heath script) in my project but I can't figure out why Attack(Vector3 targetPosition) is not begin called. No bullets are spawned. The sequence ChasePlayer is triggered with a boolean. My Attack task...
  6. M

    [Fixed] Serialization issue (100% in build - on and off in Editor)

    Hmm :unsure: Could be indeed. Let me check this. I'll keep you uptodate. Thanks for your help!
  7. M

    [Fixed] Serialization issue (100% in build - on and off in Editor)

    Next tests - I deleted the External Behaviour tree and recreated all from scratch. In fact, when the bug happens and the playmode is in pause, I could see that there seemed to be a residue of the first tree that I first created and turned to an External tree (the old nodes were even there. Ex ...
  8. M

    [Fixed] Serialization issue (100% in build - on and off in Editor)

    Hi, I can't figure out why I'm having this error 100% in build and on and off in the editor : ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].FindEntry (TKey key) [0x00008] in <2b3a3162be434770b7a4fac8b896e90c>:0 at...
  9. M

    [Can See Object] Does the target need to have a NaveMeshAgent component ?

    I have a simple Gameobject holding the CanSee behaviour as follow : When player is in sight, the GO sets a bool to true. Neither this GO nor the target (the player) have a NavmeshAgent component. I don't have any navemesh in the scene either. I just want a simple detection test within a View...
  10. M

    Documentation/Videos/Examples for Opsive

    Hello, I've bought BD two weeks ago and I'm surprised by the time I'm spending on searching info or looking for proper documentation on the asset. Don't get me wrong, I can see that the tool is very powerful but I'm a newbie to the asset (and behaviour trees) but very fond of proper and updated...
  11. M

    MissingMethodException: Cannot create an abstract class 'BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.SharedVariable'.

    Hi Justin, has the fix been released yet. I just bought BD and I'm having the very same issue. Thanks!
  12. M

    The proper way to Get Bool parameter from the animator

    Hi, I'm having difficulty to understand the proper syntax to get a bool from the AI's animator. On Base Layer, I have a bool called Attack which is set through a script. I want to get and expose the result in a BD's shared bool. In the animator : In BD : In Parameter Name, I first...
  13. M

    [Bug] [Unity 2020.1.16f1] All variables comes back after delete when you undo a change

    Hi, I would like to report this bug, if it hasn't been done before. Sorry if it's a duplicate. Steps to repro : Have some variables on a node Delete at least 2 of them in the Variables window. Perform an Undo (Ctrl + Z) All the variables come back in the variable window.