Recent content by lazylukey

  1. L

    [Bug] BehaviorManager - ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range.

    Hi @Justin I've run into this same error on a couple of very complex AI trees after upgrading from v1.6.5 to v1.7.7. One of those trees has not been touched for a very long time so it is 100% caused by the upgrade. I am now running the source version of v1.7.8 in order to figure this out. The...
  2. L

    [Bug] Grounding on moving platforms that are moving up

    Hi, we found an issue with jumping on a moving platform that is moving up at very high speed. The player basically slips through the moving platform and is then flung into space with seemingly infinite velocity. Here is a video:
  3. L

    Multiplayer Player left room issue

    We actually ran into this error again and had to take another look at this function. It had the flaw as mentioned in the previous comment but it also had a more serious issue with the loop that is used to update the m_ActorNumberByPhotonViewIndex dictionary. In a 3 player game you can cause the...
  4. L

    [Bug] Grounding on moving platforms that are moving up

    Oh I gave that new line a test and I could reproduce the issue with it, I'm guessing because m_MovingPlatform isn't necessarily set in the case where it hasn't successfully grounded?
  5. L

    [Bug/Feature Request] Gravity accumulation being infinite

    We've just upgraded and yes 3.0.18 fixes the issue of characters penetrating through the floor at high speeds (y)
  6. L

    [Bug] Grounding on moving platforms that are moving up

    1. Character controller variant: Third Person Controller (3.0.18) 2. Unity version: 2022.3.13f1 URP 3. Bug description: Jumping onto a moving platform that is moving upwards can cause character to remain in Fall ability / not become grounded 4. Steps to reproduce: It's a little tricky but the...
  7. L

    Multiplayer Player left room issue

    I looked into this error. The only flaw I noticed was that otherPlayer is null checked inside of `if (m_ActorNumberByPhotonViewIndex.TryGetValue(otherPlayer.ActorNumber, out int index))` which doesn't make sense, null check should occur just after the base call I guess
  8. L

    [Bug/Feature Request] Gravity accumulation being infinite

    Hi we ran into an issue with characters that have to fall a long way penetrating through reasonably thick floor colliders and discovered it was caused by gravity accumulation being able to increase infinitely leading to extremely high character speeds. Feels like locomotion would benefit from an...
  9. L

    Spectator camera view type

    The Observer checkbox didn't work for me either!
  10. L

    Character stuck on wall

    Sounds promising! I've been looking into a stop gap solution to generically improve this on the version of UCC we are using (2.2.4) in DEVOUR. In CharacterLocomotion::DeflectHorizontalCollisions() below the Debug.DrawRay of the closestRaycastHit I added in the condition: if...
  11. L

    Character stuck on wall

    @Justin Hi Justin, did an option ever get added in a particular version of UCC to allow gliding past a very small protruding object in the horizontal collision detection?
  12. L

    Camera anchor offset issues since 2.2

    I will add that it seems as though for whatever reason our characters bone transforms are succumbing to gravity and are very slowly falling through the ground. This can be observed by logging out the bone transform position of the m_CharacterAnchor in FirstPerson.cs. The GameObject transform Y...