Recent content by kotor

  1. K

    Short Climb

    In this video, the character is trying to climb on the cliff/rocks even though the object identifier 502 is not on the those objects. I am just using the default setting for Short Climb ability. I have not changed any values. What could be the value that causing it always climb. I looked at the...
  2. K

    Pseudo 3D Movement Type

    Here in this video why is the character using short climb on these rocks. I don't have an object identifier 502 on them :
  3. K

    Pseudo 3D Movement Type

    In the following video, I am using a Psedu 3D movement type. When I moving back and fourth it started shifting towards the depth part. This is side scroller game, I don't want it move in the depth direction. It should only move left or right. How can I freeze that movement.
  4. K

    Climb up from hang

    What I found out that It is because of AbilityFloatData was not working. What is a AbilityFloatData ? How are determining what values to put in the Amimator Controller ?
  5. K

    Climb up from hang

    It has object identifier 502 as I mentioned in my messages above. What I noticed it does not go into any of those 3 animation (short, medium, high) . The ability remains active.
  6. K

    Climb up from hang

    The same character was able to climb on the object to the left but not able to climb on the object to the right. Also, the second question you have not answered. How to make the head don't move up and down while moving
  7. K

    Climb up from hang

    I have changed video to be public. Yes, I have the animations in the animator. It is the same ClimbeDemo animator. Yes, the ability is showing active, but it stays active. I noticed that the animation is not playing in the animator. Is it something to do with the AbilityFloatData ? This is one...
  8. K

    Climb up from hang

    After updating to newer version the demo scene started working. Here is the scene I have created. I have put object from the demo scene. The player was able to climb up that object. I have put another object that I have setup same way. Added the object identifier 502 for short climb. Some how...
  9. K

    Climb up from hang

    In the climbing addon, there seems to be an issue or I am not doing it correctly. I am pressing F near that obstacle. It does not seems to work.
  10. K

    Climb up from hang

    In the agility pack there is a hang ability. It says that the you are not able to climb up. How can I do that ? Is it possible to combine the hang ability with a climbing addon to achieve that ?
  11. K

    The debug view stops working

    Version : 2022.1.2f1 steps : 1 - Right click on the folder structure un der unity and create a behavior tree. 2 - Add component behavior tree to the gameObject. 3 - Drag behavior tree from folder to the external behavior slot in the component (Behavior tree). Is that not the correct way to do...
  12. K

    The debug view stops working

    It is only happening for external behavior.
  13. K

    The debug view stops working

    I have created Condtional Task for Behavior tree. It seems the BT is running but the success and failure icons are not displayed as if nothing is running. Please advise Note : This is happening on any tasks. I can re-install and see that fixes it
  14. K

    Rotate Towards

    Is the correct rotation being applied? I don't know the answer. I am not passing any rotation. The only thing that is being input is the Marker(GameObject). The agent should rotate towards that marker. Is the ability active? Yes I can see it its is getting Active. Do you thing that part of...
  15. K

    Rotate Towards

    @Justin I tried to follow code what's in the Aim.UpdateRotation. Still I am not able to make it work. Maybe, I am not able to understand the code completely. I am trying to Rotate Towards a marker which is input to the script. I am attaching the script that I tried to come up. Let me know if you...