Recent content by Kirshor

  1. K

    Set camera rotation manually

    Hi, I have had success using the ChangeViewType function to manually change the rotation of the camera. But I wonder if it is safe to do so, does it potentially cause another issue? view.ChangeViewType(true, targetAngle.x, 0, characterRotation);
  2. K

    generate animator code? Build Animator?

    in component UltimateCharacterLocomotion, there is a button "generate animator code " and "Build Animator" please explain to me what its function is for? Thanks
  3. K

    [Bug] Unable to add first person perspective

    Me too, In a fresh Project: Frstly I install Third person controller. Then I install First person controller. After that, Unity show that error. Solving by manual add FIRST_PERSON_CONTROLLER into Scripting define symbols
  4. K

    Error: The animator is not leaving a transition...

    The exact cause of the above error was that I integrated the animancer pack into the opsive wrong. After removing the animancer, the problem is gone. I'm not saying it's the animancer's fault but my integration's fault. my mistake.
  5. K

    Error: The animator is not leaving a transition...

    Due to the time near the deadline, I could not spend much time to find the cause of the above error, so I used another method instead. I changed the way the character stops moving. I used mLocomotion.TimeScale =0 And now everything is fine.
  6. K

    Error: The animator is not leaving a transition...

    mLocomotion = GetComponent<UltimateCharacterLocomotion>(); mLocomotion.enabled = false; =>It's Ok then call: mLocomotion.enabled = true; =>sometimes it gives the following error: Error: The animator is not leaving a transition. Ensure your Animator Controller does not have any infinite loops...
  7. K

    suggest to change to virtual method in ChildAnimatorMonitor

    I'm glad to hear that. thank you very much.
  8. K

    suggest to change to virtual method in ChildAnimatorMonitor

    Please change the functions in ChildAnimatorMonitor to Virtual just like in AnimatorMonitor. For examble: public virtual bool SetForwardMovementParameter(...) public virtual bool SetPitchParameter(..) public virtual bool SetYawParameter(...) And more.... I expect ChildAnimatorMonitor to be...
  9. K

    Keep UseAbility run after disable input?

    I tried another way to prevent players from moving and rotate from the input. Is it safe to use it?
  10. K

    Keep UseAbility run after disable input?

    Use Ability will be forced to stop after call: EventHandler.ExecuteEvent(m_Character, "OnEnableGameplayInput", false); I want the UseAbiility still keep running after disable input. What should I do?
  11. K

    Why does the Cinemachine View change the character rotation?

    Nerver mind. I figured out. Just changed the movementType to FreeLook when change the ViewType. Then the character rotation will not be changed by the new ViewType. Also, I must write a new ViewType that keep the previous Pitch and Yaw so the camera can get back to View1 after switch back to...
  12. K

    Why does the Cinemachine View change the character rotation?

    I used 2 view type: Combat (first person view) and Cinemachine When I call: SetViewType(CinemachineViewType) the character rotation was changed. I would like to keep the character rotation when change ViewType, because when I turn back to the previous ViewType (Combat type), The camera should...
  13. K

    UIS: How to assign Item to Inventory in Editor Mode via script?

    Thank you very much. You helped me so much. I am completely satisfied with your support.
  14. K

    UIS: How to assign Item to Inventory in Editor Mode via script?

    It worked. There is 1 small question. Is there any function that forces inventory collection repaint after adding an item to it? Currently, I must deselect the current inventory object, then select it again to able to view the added item. Thank you very much.
  15. K

    UIS: How to assign Item to Inventory in Editor Mode via script?

    I found ItemField.CreateItem after update the latest UIS Now my code is: I Got error m_ItemCollectionRestrictions=null in: Log: