Recent content by jackcrosa

  1. J

    Can't Spawn Multiple Player at the Same Time

    Same is happening here when loading a new scene, used to work before I had this if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient) { if (PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.PlayerCount == Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.AddOns.Multiplayer.PhotonPun.Demo.MenuManager.waitForPlayerCount)...
  2. J

    Disabling or enabling item abilities on runtime

    I know how to enable or disable abilities but I still can't find a way to enable item abilities at runtime like aiming, shooting etc.. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. J

    UFPS First person yaw limit

    I am trying to limit the yaw values, so that the camera can't move beyond a certain left or right. The limit pitch works on combat, but there is not an option for yaw, I even tried using the free transform which has the limit yaw values but nothing changed.
  4. J

    Invisible caster HDRP

    The default shader does not work , I even tried lwrp and universal both don't work (duh!) , does anyone have any hdrp invisible caster shader ? Thanks !