Recent content by ICC90

  1. I

    Ability problems

    Hello! I bought the third person controller recently, I love it but it has a big learning curve which is fine! I'm having some issues implementing a stealth kill ability. I'd like to start the ability when spherecasting to an unaware enemy (see code below for ability script) which works fine but...
  2. I

    The melee controller is necessary in order to create melee weapons.

    Thanks Justin! do I need a code or anything and can it be done from the opsive site or unity asset store? Thanks for your time!
  3. I

    The melee controller is necessary in order to create melee weapons.

    Hi there, I have followed the tutorials up to the melee setup video but I'm trying to add a katana to my character and it gives me a warning 'The melee controller is necessary in order to create melee weapons' If I select 'Nothing' as the action type it builds the item fine but I then don't...
  4. I

    Toggling Solid object layer on/off at runtime through code

    Hey there! really happy with the UFPS, I'm fairly new to gamedev and C# so forgive me! I want to toggle a layer on/off in the solid object layermask at runtime so my character can run through certain objects. I have tested in the inspector by toggling the layer on/off in the solid objects field...