Recent content by Hodor

  1. H

    Behavior Designer/UCC Compiler Errors

    Everything is up-to-date Unity 2018.2.9f1 UCC 2.0.1 Behavior Designer 1.5.13 Formation/Movement/Tactical packs are all up to date Here's the error: Assets/Behavior Designer/Integrations/UltimateCharacterController/Scripts/Tasks/StartStopUse.cs(80,138): error CS0117...
  2. H

    Replace Weapon Idle Animation

    I had a similar issue, check your exit states to make sure you are using the correct ids.
  3. H

    Shield Damage Not Absorbed During Sword Attack

    Curious if this worked for you, I am having the same issue where both my attacks and the ai attacks penetrate the shield. Also curious why reinstalling the movement pack would fix this issue? I installed the integration after installing the movement pack.