Recent content by hd177

  1. H

    UCC with Playmaker - getting interact action in UCC working as trigger for Playmaker FSM states

    Thanks, Justin! I was a little surprised I couldn't find this anywhere too haha, I can't be the first person to try to get the interact action working as a trigger for Playmaker. Happy to dig into it myself, but could you point me in the right direction for "implement[ing] the interface"? If I...
  2. H

    UCC with Playmaker - getting interact action in UCC working as trigger for Playmaker FSM states

    Okay, I figured it out after a lot of trial and error! Use "Is Ability Active" -> Interact and select the character controller + "every frame" so it's regularly checking. Though I assume that's... not great from a performance perspective? Every item doing this check constantly? The next issue...
  3. H

    UCC with Playmaker - getting interact action in UCC working as trigger for Playmaker FSM states

    Hi there, I've been dabbling with the UCC for a little now and have hit my first major roadblock. UCC is excellent but also incredibly complex for a more visual art / designer person, so I opted to grab Playmaker and try out basic visual scripting. I can tweak UCC and I can make stuff work with...