Recent content by favoyang

  1. F

    Add-On Fixes

    The angleOffset variable could rename to angleOffset2D, as it only affect the 2d version.
  2. F

    Search = Stuck

    I second this. The search task is not functional well with A* pathfinding. Here's the GIF of official integration demo scene (with A*). When switching to search task, the agent moves a little bit then stop. As a workaround I'm using a combination of seek and warder to simulate search task.
  3. F

    [Bug] A*pathfinding Seek task incorrectly success at second call

    I seems find another issue with this fix. If the seek task stopOnTaskEnd set to true, the Stop() will be called in OnEnd(). Then the agent will incorrectly success on second call, because the agent.agent.remainingDistance will remains no change, caused HasArrived() return true. It works fine if...
  4. F

    MissingMethodException: Cannot create an abstract class 'BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.SharedVariable'.

    I can reproduce it on fresh project with Unity 2019.3.5f1 + BD 1.6.4
  5. F

    [Bug] A*pathfinding Seek task incorrectly success at second call

    Thanks for the fix. It also solved the issue to restart a Seek task, which success instantly.
  6. F

    MissingMethodException: Cannot create an abstract class 'BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.SharedVariable'.

    Task: Has Received Event Steps - Create a shared float value, say targetValue - Add "Has Received Event" Task - Set "Stored Value 1" to targetValue - Raise exception MissingMethodException MissingMethodException: Cannot create an abstract class 'BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.SharedVariable'...
  7. F

    Add-On Fixes

    Here's the patch to make attack action support 2D. I didn't try other actions with 2D yet.
  8. F

    Add-On Fixes

    In WithinDistnace.cs, the usePhysics2D logic should be reversed.
  9. F

    Add-On Fixes

    In IAstarAITacticalGroup.cs, NavMeshTacticalAgent should be IAstarAITacticalAgent.