Recent content by eric

  1. E

    Confused about conditional branching

    I'm a little confused about conditional branching. Maybe that's not really a concept in behavior tree? I have an NPC attacking my player using a repeater and a sequence. Once they get hit back I return false and this branch goes up to a selector which pushes me to the next branch. Right now in...
  2. E

    How to clear an event?

    I set up a tree that runs until I receive an event. When the event comes in everything happens as I want it. However the has received event never resets so I can never receive a second event. Essentially that portion of my sequence becomes dead to me. Is there a way to clear events? I tried to...
  3. E

    Take action on hit

    I'm having a little trouble figuring out the right way to do this. I made a custom action that commands my NPC to attack. Right now I always have it return TaskStatus.Running; since it is always attacking. That might not be right. But anyway then I want it to dodge when it gets hit. So I send...
  4. E

    Are there Astar versions of tactical pack?

    never mind I found it :)
  5. E

    Are there Astar versions of tactical pack?

    I just went to use "attack" and it complained about no nav mesh and then I realized maybe there was no version that supported Astar? Thank you
  6. E

    How to check for action like can see object in the middle of a wander or patrol

    How to check for action like can see object in the middle of a wander or patrol? Do I have to customize all the actions to support this or is there a built in way to do this? I tried using sequences but it never seems to leave the wander and check if it saw the player. I'd like to do several...
  7. E

    Cover and Movement Pack

    I bought the movement and tactical along with Behavior designer and I'm having a little trouble figure out how to make it work. The docs were just one sheet of a pdf :). I was able to get Seek to work, wander worked once then never again for some reason. But when I try to use cover my enemy...