Recent content by erdjei

  1. E

    Mouse sensitivity is still framerate dependent

    Hi! I found this thread, but it seems the problem is not solved yet in the last version: When I disable V-sync, I get about 200-300 fps in the build, and the camera starts to move very slow. What can I...
  2. E

    Why do the states change?

    Thank you very much!
  3. E

    Why do the states change?

    Hi! Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I puzzled over it for the long time. Why do the states change? For example, we have a camera state "AimSniperRifle" in the demo, and I cannot find any reference to this state outside the camera controller script. How this state is becoming active...
  4. E

    Loop shooting audio

    Is there any way to have a looped audio track while shooting in full-auto mode instead of series of single shot tracks?
  5. E

    Character without a camera

    Hi! I bought the Third Person Character Controller and wonder is there any way to have a character without a camera attached? I need a camera to follow a different object on scene, not my character. When I trying to setup my character without a camera I receiving the following error: "There is...